2nd - 8th December 2024

Waiting! Let’s be honest, it is hard to wait and most of us are not very good at it. We get frustrated, we find it stressful, the uncertainty is draining, it makes us impatient, it makes us feel uncomfortable and at times powerless. Let’s just say it, waiting is hard.
And it’s a feeling we all know too well. Waiting for the appointment at the hospital, waiting for the diagnoses and test results to be confirmed. Waiting for that phone call, text, WhatsApp you are expecting, knowing that a message has been left, sent, read! Waiting for the job offer to come through following the interview you thought went well. Waiting for your parents to get better or just waiting because there is no betterment. Waiting for that longed for apology. Waiting for the family you desire, waiting for the end of the financial crisis that just keeps knocking you backwards. Waiting for prayers to be answered, waiting for friendship and community to be found and struggling to connect.
The strange thing I find about waiting in the ebbs and flows of life is that, despite the frustration, stress, uncertainty, the impatience, feeling uncomfortable and powerless, there is in essence a dual nature to waiting. It can evoke a mixture of hope as well as frustration.
What do I mean? Our relationship with waiting is often shaped by a desire for control and certainty – something we know we do not have or, if we do, it is limited and temporal but yet in some instances we do have certainty and scripture reminds us of our sure and certain hope which is found in Jesus Christ. A hope that is an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Yes, I can hear all the BB and GB folks saying, ‘Amen’!
Hope that God will answer prayer, that circumstances will change for the better, that what will happen will be better than we perceive it will be, is rooted in our belief that Christ is with us in every storm and circumstance of life, therefore we have hope!
Not all waiting is challenging either. Sometimes we are waiting for a special event, a birth of a child, a marriage, a special celebration, a holiday, a planned meal/catch up with friends and the waiting only intensifies the anticipation of joy at what lies in store.
So why are we thinking about waiting!
Advent is a four-week season in the church calendar dedicated to anticipating or waiting for the arrival, the ‘advent’, the coming of Jesus of Nazareth, the long awaited for Messiah and King. Many Christians celebrate this time with reflections on love, joy, hope and peace and, while practices across denominations may differ, all are focused on the hope-filled arrival of Jesus.
In Glenabbey we will be looking at these four aspects of Advent in our Christmas series, ‘Christmas is..’ on the 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th December.
So, as we take time to pray this week, can we also prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus? As we wait for Christmas, may we ponder and consider the importance of remembering the real reason we are waiting to celebrate Christmas.
The words of ‘Joy to the World’ always come to mind at this time of year, in those challenging lyrics, “… let every heart prepare him room …’. Now isn’t that something we can all do as we wait for this Christmas, prepare him room!
Written by David Mairs
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. [Isaiah 9:2]
Heavenly Father, thank you for the hope we have in Jesus. Thank you that he is the light of the world, illuminating his word, revealing his truth and guiding us along the right way. I pray today for those in my family, my friendship groups and my neighbours who live in darkness. Father in heaven, would you break into their lives and situations with the light of your truth, would you reveal yourself to them and save them. May this advent season be one that sees many people coming to faith in you, turning away from deep darkness towards your light and hope. Amen
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. [Isaiah 9:6]
Heavenly Father, help me to celebrate this season of advent by reminding me it is because you so loved the world that you gave and sent your Son, Jesus, Emmanuel, to be God with us. Thank you for being with us always, thank you for being a good and just God. Thank you for being sovereign, that you reign in the heavens and I can trust you with each day that unfolds because you know me, you love me and you are in control. Amen.
And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor… [Isaiah 9:6]
Heavenly Father, help me to understand the significance of this truth, that Jesus is a Wonderful Counsellor. Thank you that you chose me before the world was even created, thank you that you know me by my name. Thank you that you have given me everything I need to live a godly life, thank you for always being willing to listen to me and help me. Teach what it means to seek your wisdom and understanding in all that I do. May your word be real and transformational as I try to process the many challenging circumstances I encounter. Help me to follow your ways and not my own. Help me to stand firm in my faith. Counsel and direct me, prompt me and lead me, I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
And he will be called… Mighty God… [Isaiah 9:6]
Heavenly Father, I acknowledge you today as a great and mighty God, there is none like you. Help me not to limit you but rather help me to know the fullness of your immense greatness. Help me to recognise this Christmas season that the baby Jesus was born fully God and fully man. Help me to celebrate his deity and not to lose sight of this truth. ‘Immortal, invisible, God only wise, in light inaccessible hid from our eyes, most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise’. Amen.
And he will be called… Everlasting Father… [Isaiah 9:6]
Heavenly Father, thank you for being my eternal source of wisdom and belonging. Thank you that you do not change but are the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank you for being my Everlasting Father and someone I can depend on and trust at all times. Thank you for always being there for me. Help me to sense your presence and live in the truth of your promise to be with me at all times. Forgive me for when I lose sight of this and remind me that your everlasting arms hold me securely. Amen.
And he will be called… Prince of Peace. [Isaiah 9:6]
Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. In him you have fulfilled your promise to bring light to a dark world and hope to our weary hearts. Lord Jesus, we praise you as the Prince of Peace, who reconciles us to our Heavenly Father and offers us peace that surpasses all understanding. In the midst of life’s challenges, we ask that your peace would guard our hearts and minds. Help us to live as peacemakers, reflecting your love to others and sharing the hope we have in you. Amen.
Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. [Isaiah 9:7]
Heavenly Father, I pray today for the governments of this world and, in particular, our local government and councils. Father, would you allow justice and righteousness to prevail. There is so much injustice and evil in our world, darkness is deep, locally and across our world. The news cycles are full of bad news, wars, conflicts, corruption, racism, bigotry, the constant reminder of man’s inhumanity towards man. Father, help me to be light in the darkness, help me to pray consistently for those who you allow to be in government at this time. May you help them to understand your wisdom and your ways so we may live peaceful lives and experience the outworking of your justice in what seems to be an ever-growing unjust world. Give me wisdom to pray effectively in these days. Thank you for the hope you bring into this world. Amen.