Read and discover what the Bible has to say about money.

Make a one-off donation to Glenabbey.

  • Used for the day-to-day running of our church.

    Bank: Danske Bank

    Account Name: Glenabbey Church

    Account Sort Code: 95-02-02

    Account Number: 41170228

  • Used for our facilities & building projects.

    Bank: Danske Bank

    Account Name: Glenabbey Church Building Together

    Account Sort Code: 95-02-02

    Account Number: 70112232

  • Used to help those most in need within our church family and local community.

    Bank: Danske Bank

    Account Name: Glenabbey Church 'Restricted Account'

    Account Sort Code: 95-06-14

    Account Number: 40045209

Fill out a Gift Aid Declaration Form.