We believe that every disciple, whether they are 16 or 60 needs a mentor. Someone who is a little bit further along in the journey who can teach us and model for us what it means to follow Jesus every single day.
With mentoring we start with where the young person is at; not where we would like them to be. This means that if a young person is excited about doing Bible Study and Prayer one on one with their mentor then they can get stuck right in and that's amazing! But it also means that if they're not ready for that, that's ok too, and mentoring can still be a really important part of their life as they grab a bite to eat with their mentor or go for a walk and share what's going on in their lives and what they're interested in.
At Glenabbey Youth we aim to provide a mentor to every young person who wants one, with the starting age for mentoring being those in Year 10 and above.
If this is something that you believe your young person could benefit from and would like to give it a go, please reach out to us by clicking here and we will be in touch.